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Thursday, December 27, 2012

NUMBERS, Fearless or Fear Of?

This is the 9th poem for 13b42013 Poetry Series.

NUMBERS, Fearless or Fear Of?
Diane Claire Malgapo

What makes me scream?
When I heard the number thirteen
Taking a hockey mask on Camp Crystal Lake
And riding an elevator on a Friday

I am afraid of the number seven
It looks like a scary scythe newly sharpened
Held by Grim Reaper that takes the soul of every person
Tombs and grave are his decorations

I am afraid of the number six
It makes me feel sick
From the sea mark the Beast
Emerges on earth and like dragon that speaks

I am afraid of the number one the most
With my mind to think who will lost
Being odd and the loneliest
Is drowning me in sadness

No matter what number has to say
I will still stick and stay
Going through this journey in Life
On the way to heaven on time

Diane Claire Malgapo is taking up AB Major in Political Science in Araullo University-PHINMA and is an Intern Photojournalist of Viewpoint.  Inspired from daily tragic events, this piece talks about how numbers remind her of fears brought about by lack of wisdom from above. This poem is composed as a part of 13b42013  Poetry Series.

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