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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Unforgettable Year


This is the 5th poem for 13b42013 Poetry Series.

Unforgettable Year
Krisia Aira Nicolas

The year may pass
But will never be over,
Cause memories will last
And will be kept forever.

Reminiscing that time
When I met new friends
Who are there to guide me
And hold on till the end.

Then I found a family,
One that cares truly,
That supports and inspires me
To go on with my journey.

And I can still remember
That day in November,
When fate challenged us
And what we did gained a few trust.

But that made us stronger
Because we know what is right,
And that is to keep on moving
Even things are not light.

I know things happen
And there are reasons.
Maybe to teach me
To live with a vision.

Now I’m at the end
And I don’t have any regret,
Cause with these people
Is a year I’ll never forget.

Krisia Aira Nicolas is a BS in Accountancy student in Araullo University-PHINMA and a Staff Writer of Viewpoint. This poem is about the encounters that she had this year and what made it special for her. She dedicates this poem to her friends and her Viewpoint family. This poem is composed as a part of 13b42013  Poetry Series.

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