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Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Long-gone Past

This is the 12th poem for 13b42013 Poetry Series.

The Long-gone Past
Barry Sim

I open my eyes and welcome the light
That will reveal the next chapters of life
But something bothers the inside of me
My past, my past, it wants me to see

I close my eyes for a second, I wait
And I meet the past that I myself built
I have no idea what lies ahead
But still I dig deeper inside my head
It feels like a dream on a Christmas night
Everything is grainy, blurry and white
Whatever my mind wants me to realize
I should revisit every moment, fall or rise

I thought I’m alone in this small white world
Without nothing to see, to talk, to hold
But my mind surprises me even more
With a big white screen that shows me all

I watched, intrigued by the display of scenes
I am the center of this ideal dream
I hardly resist to laugh or to weep
With these true memories, hiding beneath

After a while of showing what is gone
It becomes unfamiliar, new, undone
Scenes shift to a remarkably new me
The light the future unveils before me

I am tempted at first to look and to watch
I realize that I should not know much
Too much knowledge may prove useful at first
But seeing alone is a selfish curse

I caught myself and walk out the vision
Open my eyes, thinking of my mission
To find the rationale behind my past
What would I perceive from the scenes they cast?

The realization then dawns on me
The past is not the real picture to see
I picture myself standing still and firm
The real picture is not inside my dream

No man is an island the saying goes
Sharing sentiments with someone who cares
That is the lesson that my mind portrays
As clear as a glass without any trace

I will myself to call upon the Lord
God, the Creator shows flashes so old
I will walk straight with HIM, I told myself
I’ll never be alone, he’ll always help

I feel new strength surging inside of me
I’m ready to face the straight path I see
The path I see holds my future again
But this time, I’m with my Lord to begin

Whatever danger of what lies ahead
I am not scared to face them head-to-head
I will welcome the year that comes after
I will walk beside HIM, knowing better.

Barry Sim is a BS Major in Accountancy freshman in Araullo University-PHINMA and is a Staff Writer of Viewpoint.  It is about walking with God for all eternity and is dedicated to the poet himself. This poem is composed as a part of 13b42013  Poetry Series.

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