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Tuesday, October 16, 2012


“Nothing money can buy can equal the value of the things we learned in the camp,” says Maricris Rufino, one of the participants of CAS Day Camp.
Day Camps are truly unique Araullian experiences very much anticipated by students: For them, the camp is wrapped up with the excitement of personal upliftment and the thrill of new adventures. The students embarked on their journey of self-discovery with the help from the Facilitators, staff and faculty of Araullo University-PHINMA specially trained to help students understand themselves better, and cope with University life: Edwin Siborboro, Maria Buena Magdalena Ruiz, Ana Kristel Cuevas, Toni Marie Punzalan, Evelyn Juliano, John Leabres, Salvador Collado Jr., Alex Ramirez, Frankie Sembrano, John Michael Esquivel, Mary Grace Ricio, Maui Panapanaan, Mark Santos, Ariane Cawed, Arvelo Vicente, Alexander Reyes, John Bernardino, Marphel De Lara and Darren Gonzales comprised the talented group.
Six colleges joined the camps which replaced the annual university fixture, Palarong au: cma had their respective Day Canps last September 12 (HRM), September 27 (BSBA), and October 9 (BSA); CAS on September 14; CON last September 26; COC on October 1, 2, and 3; COE last October 4; and CITE on October 5 and 12.
“I learned how to handle my stress. Though I am tired, I always bear a smile on my face; it is my way to inspire my students,” says Mr. Alexander Reyes, one of the facilitators of Day Camps. Truly, the Day Camp experience is beneficial to student-participants and facilitators alike.
The camp is the perfect environment for the students to learn about things they haven’t experienced before: It is an avenue for the students to excel and shine. Bringing the student-participants to face their fears, the camp also provides an exceptional opportunity for students to do things they think they can’t, and to labor to achieve their best.
Camp activities are geared to promote personal development, encourage students to step outside of their comfort zones, and help build leadership, communication, and cooperation skills. AU-PHINMA believes that the camps are instrumental for the holistic development of the studentry; a worthy replacement for the annual Palarong au, despite the cost and the extent of work entailed. Sweet Cel dela Cruz, Pauline Joy Gelacio

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