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Friday, September 7, 2012

Mentors train for tutorship

In spite of the power interruption, the College of Education (COE) pushed through its Training for Tutorship last September 7 at the AU Main Library, with the College of Education Student Council (COE-SC) as its organizing body.

Attended by 2nd year Mentors, the training comprised of lectures discussing different factors affecting tutorship. COE faculty member Ms. Anna Kristel Cuevas tackled Understanding the Nature of a Child; Basic Education Department Dean Corazon Esguerra’s lecture dealt with Tips on Tutoring Grade-School Children. Lastly, COESC Governor Edward Rodriguez ended the three-part training with a comprehensive talk on Understanding the Adolescent, Tutoring High School Students, and Ethics on Tutoring. Academic exchange between the participants and the speakers concluded every lecture. Ma. Gladys Repollo

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