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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Seniors join Look Ahead seminar, jobs fair

Graduating students participated in the Look Ahead Pre-employment Seminar and Jobs Fair conducted by the Araullo University Supreme Student Government (AUSSG) and Placement Office from February 27 to 28 at the AU Gym.

For the first day, Mr. John Jacob Valino, administrator of Christian Faith Montessori Center, discussed the preparations needed in pursuing a career. Mr. Valino also provided lectures and workshops on resumé writing and job interview. Look Ahead attendees applied what they have learned from the seminar as 20 companies, including AU-PHINMA, offered job opportunities the next day. Ma. Gladys Repollo

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Araullo commemorates 63rd Foundation Anniversary

Araullian students, faculty, non-teaching staff, and alumni came together last February 21 to 23 to celebrate the 63rd Founding Anniversary of Araullo University-PHINMA. Themed “Fun Under the Sun”, the three-day affair comprised of such activities as Bingo for a Cause, Fun Run, Quiz Bee, Street Dance, Booth Competition, Pasiklaban, Grand Alumni Homecoming, and the Hawak Kamay Students Choice Awards.

The College of Education Mentors, champions of the Street Dance and Pasiklaban competitions.
(Photo credits to Diane Claire Malgapo)

A Showcase of Skills
As part of the event, students from the different colleges displayed their academic and performing prowess through the Quiz Bee, Street Dance Competition, and Pasiklaban.

Warriors Edd Jonh Miranda, Ceddie Ariquez, and George Pepito Ariquez III towed College of Criminology (COC) to the Quiz Bee championship. Chieftains Dan Kevin Roque, Bryan Joseph Peralta, and Jan Jefferson Cristobal clinched the second place for College of Arts and Sciences (CAS), while the trio of Jonah Reyes, Jaycris Agnes, and Luijim Jose of the College of Education (COE) placed third in the said competition held on the first day.

In the Street Dance competition, the College of Education (COE) wowed the crowd with their performance and emerged as champions. Basic Education (BEd) students did not let up though, as they took the 1st Runner-Up plum; 2nd Runner-Up College of Nursing (CON) completed the cast of winners.

Mentors consolidated their earlier victory by also taking the crown for Pasiklaban, while College of Management and Accountancy (CMA) and College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) were hailed 1st and 2nd runners-up respectively.

Beating the Summer Heat
On the second-day, February 22, the colleges brought summer’s fun spirit into the campus grounds by putting up their respective booths, each themed with a popular summer destination showcasing the beauty of the Philippines.

CON’s creative portrayal of the Cebu scenery clinched the championship; while College of Information Technology and Engineering (CITE) snagged the 1st Runner-up with their realistic and faithful reproduction of the wind turbines of Bangui, Ilocos Norte; and COC’s convincing replica of Puerto Princesa Underground River landed 2nd Runner-up.

Rewarding Excellent Service
Last February 6, students once again voted for their favorite teachers and non-teaching staff for the Hawak Kamay Students Choice Awards.

In between Pasiklaban performances, the Marketing Department, together with the AUSSG, awarded Anna Kristel Cuevas (COE), Ronald Leabres (CMA), Mercedes Batalla (CAS), May Miguel (COC), Eldon Lim (CITE), Toni Marie Buenconsejo - Punzalan  (CON), Mylene Bandril (BEd), Roxanne Eduardo (CMA), Frankie Sembrano (Guidance and Counseling Office), and Mary Grace Ricio (CSDL) as the most exemplary employees of the University. Dan Kevin Roque

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Merez tops ReSA, NFJPIA Mock Boards

Rachel Merez from the College of Management and Accountancy outdid other Accountancy students across the country twice when she topped both the Review School of Accountancy (ReSA) First Pre-Board Examination last February 9 to 10 and the National Federation- Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants (NFJPIA) National Mock Board last February 16 to 17.

Aside from Merez, Aslainie Sultan and Kem Argil Pangilinan ranked 3rd and 19th respectively in the ReSA Pre-Board. Ma. Gladys Repollo

Sunday, February 10, 2013

I need more...

I need more…
Bryan Joseph Peralta

I can feel it.
I am near.
I am one step closer,
to the door of my dreams.

But wait there’s a hindrance
I should pass through it.
The door is closing
I must hurry myself.

I’m losing my energy
I think I ain’t gonna do this
But I gotta hold on to my faith
I’m so close, I’ve got to be there.

At last! I am here.
The door is half-closed.
I’ve passed it! I’m inside!
I have fulfilled my dreams.

Bryan Joseph Peralta is a BS in Accountancy student in Araullo University-PHINMA and a Staff Writer of ViewPoint.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

E-Martial Law: a pool of contradiction, a threat to cyber freedom

The internet has become a medium of expression for the citizens and journalists of the new generation. After all, the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) promotes online freedom of expression as a basic human right. But the creation of RA 10175 or Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 now poses a threat to freedom of speech, expression and of the press, a clear contradiction to Article III, Section 4 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution.
A mere lip service
The Cybercrime Prevention Act was introduced in July 2011 and was signed in September 2012 while the overdue Freedom of Information (FOI) Bill, which has been certified by President Benigno Aquino III (PNoy) as a priority bill in January 2012, was introduced in 2008 and is still pending. One can easily compare the pace of the contradicting laws and one can easily tell the reason behind it.
The FOI bill is intended to aid in transparency which is a democratic right as well. Article III, Section 7 of our constitution recognizes our right “to information on matters of public concern”. After all, PNoy vowed for transparency during his campaign in 2010. He even made a commitment to press freedom during the World Press Freedom Day last May. Paradoxically, Malacañang’s support appears to be dwindling. They said they still have to review the bill for possible holes that may cause national security risk. This made us wonder if they made the same consideration of reviewing the questionable provisions of RA 10175 as well.
The government’s way of prioritizing bills appears to be a sort of cost-benefit analysis – the FOI bill will benefit the media and the public but will cost “security risk” while Cybercrime Prevention Act will benefit the politicians but will cost invasion of privacy to the netizens. If PNoy maintains that we – the citizens – are really his “boss”, then isn’t it just righteous of him to opt for the one which will be more beneficial to us?
Riddling loopholes
There are several ambiguous provisions that are yet to be addressed in the said law though PNoy already signed it last year. Among these are the issues discussed in the first oral arguments last January 15:
  • Cybersex, which is under content-related offenses, was defined in Section 4(c)(1) as “the willful engagement, maintenance, control, or operation, directly or indirectly, of any lascivious exhibition of sexual organs or sexual activity, with the aid of a computer system, for favor or consideration.” However, it failed to make a distinction between consensual and non-consensual acts and it was not clearly indicated who among the involved persons committing this offense will be penalized.
  • Online libel in Section 4(c)(4) was defined as “the unlawful or prohibited acts of libel as defined in Article 355 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended, committed through a computer system or any other similar means which may be devised in the future.” This means, though it has the same elements as libel defined in RPC, committing it online could get you imprisoned for up to 12 years. The congress continues to ignore demands for the decriminalization of libel. We all know that the insertion of libel clause and making it a criminal offense will only serve as an instrument for the politicians to manipulate and harass the media.
  • Section 5(a), the provision that really puzzles the netizens, also constitutes “aiding or abetting to libelous contents” as an offense. The definition is so vague that even the lawmakers cannot explain or defend it consistently. How can a citizen be aware if he is already committing a crime? Does sharing, retweeting or liking libelous posts earns one a ticket to jail?
  • Section 6 of the said law states that “penalty to be imposed shall be one (1) degree higher than that provided for by the Revised Penal Code.” According to the Department of Justice (DOJ), it’s easier to commit these offenses since pretty much everyone has internet access nowadays. Still, it’s not enough of an explanation especially how they would distinguish libel from online libel.
  • Section 12 or the real-time collection of data allows the respective authorities “to collect or record by technical or electronic means traffic data in real-time associated with specified communications transmitted by means of a computer system.” It evidently violates our right to “the privacy of communication and correspondence” as indicated in Article III, Section 3 of our constitution.
  • The dubious takedown power of the DOJ which is stated in Section 19 means it no longer needs a court intervention to “restrict or block access to such computer data”. This, again, is a contradiction to Article III, Section 1 of our Constitution – “no person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law, nor shall any person be denied the equal protection of the laws.”
Refuse to be gagged
As an advocate of press freedom, the College Editors Guild of the Philippines (CEGP) – Central Luzon supports the campaign against Cybercrime Prevention Act. CEGP Tarlac will conduct a forum to better inform the people about their basic rights to freedom and educate them about the hazards of the said law. The said forum will be held in Tarlac State University on January 31, 2013. We will also have a photo campaign called “Pose to Oppose” where people can express their disapproval with Cybercrime Law through photo opps.
As the temporary restraining order (TRO) expires on February 6, let us join the National Day of Protest to Junk Cybercrime Law. It’s time for PNoy to hear out his real “boss”. Monica del Puerto, CEGP-Central Luzon Chairperson

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

CEGP, Kabataan Partylist, other youth groups stay vigilant despite extension of TRO on Cybercrime Law

The indefinite extension of the temporary restraining order (TRO) on Cybercrime Law is a victory for freedom lovers, but people must remain vigilant because the law might still be implemented even after the extended order, said youth groups such as Kabataan Partylist and College Editors Guild of the Philippines (CEGP).

The extension of the TRO for an indefinite period is a victory for all netizens, students, professionals and freedom lovers. It is a victory for the people who protested against the law online and offline. This is a product of collective effort for freedom of expression,” said Pauline Gidget Estella, national president of CEGP, the widest and oldest alliance of student publications in the country.

However, we must remain vigilant. This is only an extension, and there is still a possibility of implementation after the extended TRO. What we want is a ‘permanent restraining order.’ We demand that the law be junked,”said Estella.

The indefinite extension to the TRO is not enough. The youth, netizens and the rest of the Filipino people should still continue to push the high court to declare this law as unconstitutional and repeal this repressive measure of the Aquino administration to silence the people from telling the truth about the government,” added Marc Lino Abila, CEGP National Deputy Secretary-General.

Early this morning, sectoral groups trooped in front of the Supreme Court as part of the National Day of Action on the day of the supposed expiration of the TRO.

The sustained online and offline protest should serve as a reminder for the Supreme Court to decide in favor of freedom of expression. What else does the government need to realize that this is a badly crafted law and can suppress free speech? The Solicitor General could not even defend this law properly,” said Estella.

Kabataan Partylist and College Editors Guild of the Philippines will continue the concert-vigil tonight as planned at Liwasang Bonifacio starting 5:00 p.m. Groups will march from Plaza Salamanca to Supreme Court at 4:00 p.m. Monica del Puerto, CEGP-Central Luzon Chairperson

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