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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

You're Dismissed

A PEN Student’s words carry weight. He is honest, trustworthy, and has consistency in words and actions.” – Integrity, PEN Values, the PEN Student Handbook Tertiary Level
illustration by Melanilene Balot 
It is examinations season once again, and we students must face tons of schoolwork. To top all this off, there is once again the threat to succumbing to the temptation of every student’s ancient frenemy – cheating.

Understandably, students are distressed by the fact that they must study for practically all their subjects at the same time. It doesn’t help that deadlines for projects, group works, and other academic requirements fall on the same date. Yet, this is no excuse to resort to such devious measures.

Most of the students do not realize the gravity of their actions. Moreover, the lax attitude of the school personnel and the teachers themselves only serve to aggravate this matter. In fact, the whole community’s outlook serves to make the campus a potential breeding ground of cheaters. We do not want this to happen to our Araullo, beloved.

On the other hand, the PHINMA Education Network formulated the PEN Values to guide their students in their day-to-day actions and interactions. These values are Integrity, Professionalism, Commitment, Competence, Teamwork, and Innovativeness. Ironically, some students fail to comply with the very first value.

The List of Offenses and Corresponding Categories (p. 17-19, PEN Student Handbook Tertiary Level) provides very harsh punishments to those who breach the school standard for Academic Integrity.

For Plagiarism, (1.1) or the use of published information without providing proper recognition to the original author, is punishable with outright dismissal or expulsion on the first offense. For Cheating on Any Graded Work, (1.2) the first offense is punishable with Suspension for three (3) academic days, for which he will incur absences. For the second offense, the offending student shall face dismissal or expulsion. In all cases, the student shall receive the lowest possible score in the graded work concerned.

These are very stringent guidelines, indeed. Sadly, no one seems to take these seriously. If we are to preserve PEN’s mission of preparing the students for global competitiveness, this matter must be addressed immediately and cogently.

For us students, on the other hand, we must start taking our schoolwork seriously. This is a way of preparing ourselves for the real world outside of the campus. When you are already an engineer or a computer programmer, you cannot expect to copy a blueprint or a source code and just get away with it: There are very serious consequences for offenses against intellectual property. As an accountant, you cannot rely on others to do your work for you. For a future teacher, you will serve as a role model for your future students. For a future policeman, you are to be an enforcer of the law and a protector of the people. College is simply the preparation for life, and the more you sweat in time of peace, the less you bleed in war.

Examination results will not dictate your success in the future. Your attitude in life will. So the next time you are tempted to cheat, remember that your actions today will resonate in the future. You carry not only your name but the name of your alma mater as well. Years from now, you will be able to pride yourself for not cheating even in the face of temptation. After all, we are PEN Students, and we can face the examinations with Integrity in all our haggard glory! Dan Kevin Roque

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