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Monday, January 14, 2013

Angel of No Mercy

Angel of No Mercy
Christina Sanchez

I thought you would be,
The only guy for me,
But you are a liar;
That makes me to surrender.

You take my breath away,
That makes me hurt everyday,
You did what you want;
And never mind my heart.

My heart turns into pieces,
When you commit lies and sins,
I never know what’s right;
I would stop or fight.

I am helpless for taking it,
Leaning my hand for this,
Angel of no mercy as if;
That breaks my heart so deep.

Christina Sanchez is a BS Secondary Education Major in English student in Araullo University-PHINMA and Staff Writer of ViewPoint. This is a poem based on a song "Angel of no mercy". She dedicates this poem to herself by loving someone who left her.


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